Question, argue, debate

Over the weekend I had a quick flick through the first notebook I used to jot down ideas for blogging, a book and of course thoughts around purposeful business. One fascinating thing for me was right from the word go, I was interested in the opposing theories around starting a business. What comes first, theContinue reading “Question, argue, debate”

When big business backs social enterprise

This is a great example of what can be done when we remember that businesses aren’t inherently bad. Generally they actually want to do good, and that includes supporting projects that are of public good as Lillian Grace so ably demonstrates in the Stuff article.  

Our thinking is what holds us back

A good friend shared this Ted Talk by Dan Pollata with me. It is from the perspective of a fund raiser but the message is true of our NFP thinking in general. Charity, doing it on a shoe string etc shouldn’t be seen as badges of honour because they hold us back from making significantContinue reading “Our thinking is what holds us back”